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Geological Survey and Mines Bureau's 2024 Surya Mangalaya Year Festival was organized by the Bureau's Welfare Association on 28.04.2024 at Angampitiya playground, Ethul kotte. The Bureau's Chairman Dr Kitsiri Manchanayake and Director General Prof Ranjith Premasiri and other officers of the Bureau participated in this event, and the employees of the Bureau's head office and regional offices and their family members also participated.


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Honorable Minister of State for Environment Mr. Janaka Wakkambura and Secretary of the Ministry of Environment (Attorney-at-law) B.K. Prabhath Chandrakirthi, held a progress review meeting in the Bureau regarding the role of the Geological Survey and Mining Bureau and the upcoming program for the year 2024.

Accordingly, the Chairman of the Bureau, Dr. Kithsiri Manchanayake and the Director General, Prof. Ranjith Premasiri, presented facts regarding the achievements and progress made by the Bureau in the first quarter of 2024. The Chairman of the Bureau, Dr. Kitsiri Manchanayake, informed the Honorable Minister of State for Environment that a program will be prepared using online technology to provide the services of the Bureau to the people more easily and quickly. It has been mentioned that the Bureau of Geological Surveys and Mines has provided an amount of 2.8 billion rupees for general goods in the year 2023. Its chairman stated that there is a need for minerals in the country to reduce environmental damage so that illegal mining can be controlled more easily by conducting activities through this online technology.The Honorable Minister of State for Environment Mr. Janaka Wakkambura informed the officers of the Bureau about the problems arising in the performance of their duties and the Minister worked to resolve those problems at the same time. It was also stated that by developing the image of the Bureau, it should provide its services to the beneficiaries very promptly and effectively and work to give strength to the country's economy.

Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, (Attorney-at-law) B.K. Mr. Prabhath Chandrakeerthi said that he is happy with the work of the Bureau of Geological Survey and Mines and that in the year 2024, they should expand their services more easily to the public and provide more money to the Treasury than in the year 2023. A group of high officials of the bureau participated in this event.


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This year's International Women's Day theme is "Strength for Her, Progress for God". International Women's Day grew through the labor movement to become an annual event recognized by the United Nations (UN). Its early seeds were planted in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding reduced working hours, better wages and the right to vote.A year later, the Socialist Party of America announced National Women's Day for the first time.

An International Women's Day celebration ceremony was held today (2024.03.08) at the bureau's auditorium under the chairmanship of Geological Survey and Mines Bureau Chairman Dr. Kitsiri Manchanayake and Director General Prof. Ranjith Premasiri.In his comments, the chairman said that all the women of the institute appreciate the valuable service they are doing for the institute and for the betterment of the institute, they should continue to contribute to the institute.

The Director General of the Bureau who spoke said that all the women working in the Bureau are very appreciative of the work they are doing for the organization and that everyone should work together with everyone to avoid unnecessary conflicts and conflicts in the organization. Several senior officers of the bureau and all the women of the staff of the institution participated in this short ceremony.


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In order to increase the efficiency of the public sector, the officials of the Bribery or Corruption Investigation Commission conducted the first phase of our bureau's awareness about the Anti-Corruption Act No. 09 of 2023 on 07.03.2024 at 09:00 AM. Held at the Bureau Auditorium.

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The official website of the Bureau of Geological Survey and Mines was launched on 6th of March 2024 by the Chairman of the Bureau, Dr Kithsiri Manchanayake. Director General of the Bureau Prof Ranjith Premasiri and a group of officials of the Bureau participated in this event.

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Dr. Kithsiri Manchanayake started his duties as the seventeenth Chairman of Geological Survey and Mines Bureau on 06.03.2024


chairman Kithsiri   Kithsiri conversation

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Prof. H.M. Ranjith Premasiri started his duties as the new Director General (Acting) of Geological Survey and Mines Bureau on 18.01.2024.

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ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation reaffirms our commitment to maintaining quality, precision and accuracy in our chemical analyses.

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